Some pro Kannada outfits led by Vatal Nagaraj last month called the bandh on June 12 seeking intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to solve Kalasa Banduri, Cauvery, Mekedatu water issues and to establish permanent irrigation system to Kolar and neighboring districts.
Vatal Nagaraj on Saturday appeared on the streets in the state capital urging the laborers, auto drivers, transport unions and other to support the bandh. Organizations of laborers, transport unions and others said that the shutdown will impact routine life of the people and a bandh already held on the issue. However most of the unions including auto taxi drivers, daily workers and others reluctant support the bandh.
Karmika Rakshan Vedike, Karnataka Rajya Rakshana Sene, Karnataka Rakshana Vedike and others have decided to keep away from the bandh scheduled. Meanwhile, BMTC, KSRTC, Auto Rickshaws and others have also decided not to support the bandh called instead they will operate based on the situation.