Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan had on Friday described as “worrisome” the situation in Kasaragod district where one of the affected persons had moved around “disregarding” the health department’s directions and had met scores of people at public events, weddings and a football match.
Vijayan had said all government offices will remain closed for one week and the shops will open only from 11 am to 5 pm in the district, where two MLAs have gone into self- quarantine after coming into contact with one of the positive cases.
District Collector D Sajith Babu said instructions have been given to concerned police officials to register cases against those owners who opened their shops despite the warning.
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“Those who were asked to remain in home quarantine must follow the directions of the health department. We have to implement such stern action to avoid further spread of the virus,” Babu told the media.
He said more cases will be registered in case of more violations.
“We have already given instructions to register around 12 cases. The situation became worse after some persons failed to follow the health department’s directions. We cannot allow the situation to get out of our control,” the Collector said.
The district administration has also booked a person, under home quarantine, for roaming around and meeting people despite specific directions.
A senior official from the district said the case was registered after the neighbours complained that a person under home isolation, after returning from abroad, was roaming around and meeting people.
“We have booked that person for not following the directions,” the official said.
In view of six new positive cases at Kasaragod, government offices in the district would remain closed for a week from Saturday, while all places of worship and clubs would be shut for two weeks, Vijayan had said.
“Places of worship would remain shut for two weeks and shops would remain open only from 11 am to 5 pm. We need to impose such restrictions in Kasaragod. Even two MLAs from the district are also under observation as they had come in contact with a positive case,” Vijayan had said.
With the fresh 12 cases identified on Friday, the total number of infected persons has gone up to 37 in Kerala.