“It was my mother’s wedding,” he wrote in Malayalam, sharing a picture of his mother. “I had contemplated a lot about writing such a post. Remarriage is still a taboo for many.”
In his now-viral post, he spoke about his mother’s abusive marriage to his father. Recalling one incident in particular, he wrote: “Once I saw her with blood dripping from her forehead after being assaulted. I asked her why she endured it. I remember what Amma told me then: that she was living for me and she was ready to endure more.”
Gokul then went on to speak about the time he and his mother left their house.
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Since being shared online, the post has collected over 31,000 ‘likes’ and more than 3,000 ‘shares’. It has also been inundated with comments from people praising Gokul and his mother for their strength.