Bengaluru: The Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation on Friday said it will restart its operations to Maharashtra from September 22. In a statement, the KSRTC said it had stopped operation of inter-state bus services due to Covid-19 and Lockdown.
“As lockdown has been relaxed, KSRTC will restart the operations to Maharashtra State from September 22,” the statement read. The services will be operated from Bengaluru, Davangere, Mangaluru and various other places of the state keeping in view the density of passengers, the transport corporation said.
The KSRTC said it is mandatory for the passengers to wear masks. It said passengers can book tickets in advance online at or through KSRTC/Franchisee advance reservation counters for the above services.
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With the unlock phase on, the KSRTC resumed services but not to Maharashtra which was one of the COVID-19 hotspots.