
Kumta: Gas cylinder explosion in MLA Dinakar Shetty’s brother’s residence

07:39 PM Jun 22, 2024 | Team Udayavani |

Kumta: A gas cylinder exploded at the residence of Madhukar Shetty, brother of Kumta MLA Dinkar Shetty.


The explosion has resulted in injuries to Madhukar Shetty and his wife, and also caused extensive damage to household items worth lakhs of rupees.

The incident occurred in the Koppalakaru Ward of the town. On Saturday, Madhukar Shetty and his family were out of the house. When they returned and opened the door, the cylinder exploded.

The explosion caused a fire that engulfed the interior of the house, burning items such as the television, furniture, clothes, and other valuable household goods.

Firefighters who arrived at the scene managed to extinguish the fire successfully. Preliminary reports suggest that the explosion occurred because the cylinder was not turned off before the family left the house. Further details are awaited.


Fortunately, there were no fatalities.


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