Shashi Kumar said that the drive is being carried out to make the city safer for all and requested all to cooperate.
Also, every day priority will be given to one particular issue.
On Monday, September 27, tinted glass will be fined Rs 500 under 177 Motor Vehicle Act.
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On September 30, Uninsured Vehicles fined Rs 1000 (2 & 3 wheelers), Rs 2000 (Light Motor Vehicle) and Rs 4000 (Heavy Goods Vehicle), under 196 MV Act.
On October 1, police will check for uncleared old traffic violation cases at automation centre.
On October 2, Vehicles without Emission Test under 115 R/w & 190 MV Act, will receive Court Notice.
However, apart from this, police will crack down on other traffic violations as usual on all days.