
Manipal: International Yoga Day celebrated at MAHE

08:53 AM Jun 22, 2024 | Team Udayavani |

Manipal: The Yoga Department of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) celebrated International Yoga Day on Thursday at the Marena Sports Complex. During the event, Vanitha Pai, an Iyengar Yoga Instructor from Manipal’s “Maniprana Yoga Studio,” and Yoga Therapist Lakshmi Divakar were honored for their contributions to the field of yoga and for raising public awareness about its benefits.


The event was inaugurated by MMNL Executive Chairman T. Satish U. Pai, who extended his best wishes.

In his presidential address, MAHE Pro-Chancellor Dr. H.S. Ballal stated that yoga is one of the greatest gifts India has given to the world. He emphasized that yoga is a significant practice for controlling the mind and alleviating mental issues. Dr. Ballal noted that 75% of ailments are related to the mind, and practicing yoga can help maintain good health and lead to a better quality of life.

Vanitha Pai, Iyengar Yoga Instructor at Maniprana Yoga Studio, stated, “The Iyengar yoga system is very popular and beneficial for relieving mental stress and enhancing concentration. Recently, mental health issues have been on the rise, prompting many, including the youth, to turn to yoga. Regular practice of yoga helps in maintaining good health.”

Lakshmi Divakar, Yoga Therapist, added, “Yoga is a universal pain reliever and helps in maintaining robust health.”

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The event featured references to quotes from yoga guru B.K.S. Iyengar and an article by Shwasaguru Vachanananda Swamiji, as published in the Friday edition of the “Udayavani” newspaper, capturing the audience’s attention.

MAHE Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. Sharath Kumar Rao spoke on the occasion, advocating for the prominence of Indian medicinal practices alongside allopathy. He mentioned that MAHE is taking significant steps in this direction and has initiated special projects to prioritize Indian medical systems. He affirmed that yoga, an integral part of Indian culture, can achieve comprehensive well-being.

Philanthropist Indira Ballal honored the yoga achievers, while MAHE Registrar Dr. Giridhar Kini distributed prizes to winners of various competitions.

The welcome address was delivered by Director of Research Dr. B.S. Satish, and Head of the Yoga Department Dr. Annapurna K. presented the program. Dr. Nitin Kumar Patil offered the vote of thanks, and Dr. Lavya Shetty and Dr. Divya Poojari served as masters of ceremony.

Under the leadership of Dr. Annapurna K., a yoga demonstration and exercise were conducted.


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