Krishna Kumari, a Hindu senator from Pakistan Peoples Party in Sindh province took to Twitter on Thursday to break the news of Daya Bheel, a Hindu widow’s murder in Sinjhiro, a town in Sanghar district in Sindh province.
”Daya Bheel suddenly disappeared from agri field yesterday near Sinjhoro. Her dead body was found in a very bad condition in mustard field. Her head was separated from the body,” Kumari tweeted.
Bheel’s mutilated body was found on December 27, after her son Soomar went searching for her in the mustard field. ”What is agonising for us (family) is the manner in which she was killed,” her son Soomar told PTI.
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The incident has sparked an uproar amongst the Hindu community in the province, who staged protests in the Sanghar district demanding prompt police action. Sindh police have formed a joint investigation team to probe the murder. Hindus form the biggest minority community in Pakistan.
According to official estimates, 75 lakh Hindus live in the country. The majority of Pakistan’s Hindu population is settled in Sindh province where they share culture, traditions and language with Muslim residents.