The character debuted in 2016 in a series of animated shorts for Japanese network TBS Television. It became a global cult following the 2018 launch of the animated Netflix series.
The animated series, originally titled “Aggressive Retsuko”, revolves around Retsuko, a single red panda working in the accounting department of a Japanese trading firm.
“What makes Aggretsuko soooo amazing is that it’s extremely relatable. We’ve all had to deal with the existential nightmares of the workforce, and we’ve all had really, really bad bosses. I never thought I’d be able to identify with a red panda that loves death metal so much! I’m super stoked to join Retsuko and her co-workers in all their workplace misadventures,” writer Barnes said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.
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“Aggretsuko” comic book series will launch on February 5, 2020.
The third season of the show is also currently in production and is set to debut in 2020.