Presently, how are the job opportunities in the field of commerce?
There is immense opportunity for commerce students globally. With the introduction of GST, job opportunities have increased in small business, auditor office and industrial areas.
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Post the implementation of GST and note ban, is the financial state of the country on the right path?
Note ban and implementation of GST are the country’s biggest financial improvements. Through the note ban, legal and regulated financial system came into existence. Cash transactions have reduced and people are giving more importance to digital transaction and as per the statistics of the last two years, there is a noticeable increase in the number of people paying income tax. With the implementation of GST, the tax burden on the customer has reduced and the prices of commodities have dropped. In the earlier taxation system, the customer did not have the knowledge on the type of tax one was paying. With the introduction of GST, the customer now has the knowledge on what tax he is paying and how much. Due to the implementation of GST, the GDP is growing.
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Importantly, one must have self confidence, courage, commitment and innovation. New thoughts must come. But the present youth lack this.
What do you say to those who claim commerce as a difficult subject to pursue?
The study of commerce is very easy. Possessing the basic knowledge of mathematics is enough to learn this subject.
How to properly use statistics in our daily lives?
Accountancy is very useful in our daily lives. This is useful in calculating the amount earned in a month or a week, how much of it was spent as expense and how much was saved and thereby helps in planning the money for the future.