Addressing the media Inspector General of Police (North-East Range) Alok Kumar said, “Two of the arrested – Mallikarjun and Arjun – were associates of Chandappa Harijan. The arrested were involved in criminal activities in Afzalpur.”
“The illegal country-made firearms from Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are being smuggled into the district. Huge caches of illegal firearms are being smuggled into the region from Madhya Pradesh, in particular, where illegal firearm industry thrives. A team led by Kalaburagi SP N Shashikumar will be sent to Madhya Pradesh to probe into the nexus of firearm dealers and the local criminals and take measures to prevent the smuggling,” Alok Kumar said.
The police who helped to nab the culprits were rewarded with Rs 1 lakh by the IGP.