In an address at the Raisina Dialogue, the Prime Minister said India tried to protect its 1.3 billion nationals from COVID-19, and, at the same time, tried to support pandemic response efforts of others.
”We understand fully, that mankind will not defeat the pandemic unless all of us, everywhere, regardless of the colour of our passports, come out of it. That is why, this year, despite many constraints, we have supplied vaccines to over 80 countries,” he said at the conference, held virtually.
The Prime Minister further said, ”We will continue to share our experiences, our expertise and also our resources with humanity in the fight against the pandemic.”
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The Prime Minister also said that during this pandemic, in our own humble way, within our own limited resources, we in India have tried to walk the talk. Organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), a think-tank, in partnership with the Ministry of External Affairs, Raisina Dialogue is India’s premier conference on geopolitics and geo-economics, and its sixth edition is being held from April 13 to 16.