Kharge, who addressed a ‘Jai Bharat Satyagraha Sabha’ at Mancherial in Telangana on Friday night, said he would not have been a lawmaker had late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and senior Congress leader Sonia Gandhi not encouraged a ”poor man” like him.
He said Sonia Gandhi ”gave him” an opportunity to work as the president of the Congress, which is a huge responsibility.
Kharge took on the mantle of AICC president in October last year after being elected the party chief in a contest where he was pitted against Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor. Kharge is the party’s first non-Gandhi president in 24 years.
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The Congress chief also accused the Narendra Modi-led government of weakening the public sector and not creating crores of jobs as promised.
He also targeted the BRS government in Telangana, accusing it of not fulfilling its promises, including providing three acres of land to Dalit families.
Hailing the contributions of Dr B R Ambedkar on his birth anniversary, Kharge said it was because of the architect of the Constitution that Dalits and women got voting rights.