According to last year’s calculations, there are 11,301 students in Mangaluru, Udupi and Kundapur which come under Mangaluru division. Bus pass have been distributed amongst 45,000 students in Sullia, Puttur, Bantwal, Belthangady and Madikeri which come under Puttur division. The registration process for this academic year is being conducted and the total number might be slightly more.
Currently, a student registering for bus pass has to pay 100 rupees as inspection fee and additional 50 rupees fee for accident relief fund. Moreover, 600 rupees fees from high school male students and 400 rupees from female students, 900 rupees from diploma/college students, 1,150 rupees from ITI students (for 12 months), 1,400 rupees from JOC students and 1,200 rupees from evening school students is being collected.
Only from home to school
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Compulsorily pay 150 rupees
For the time being, free bus pass has been distributed amongst primary school students. A total amount of 150 rupees, which includes the inspection and accident relief fee is collected. 60 rupees have to be paid if the pass is required for 12 months. Though the government distributed the free pass, this amount has to be paid by the students. A final decision is needed on this too.
Decision within a couple of days
This new scheme will help a total of 19.6 lakh students throughout the state. The transport department has come forward to bear up to 40% of 629 crore rupees burden to be borne by the government. Recently, free bus pass facility for SC/ST was started. Though it is a financial issue, we have approved to bear additional burden, informed transport minister D.C. Tammanna, at Bengaluru on Wednesday. There is a possibility that the Chief Minister will take decision on this issue in a couple of days.
Faith on Siddu’s budget
Siddaramiah had announced free bus pass facility during the presentation of his last budget. After the change in government, there was a fear that the proposal may end up in some corner. Now, due to the positive response from the transport minister, there is a possibility that the chief minister Kumaraswamy may announce this in his budget.