Jodhpur: A man allegedly stabbed his wife to death with a pair of scissors In Jodhpur’s BJS Colony and informed the police and his in-laws about the incident, an official said on Monday.
According to police, the couple had a heated argument Sunday night and in a fit of rage, Vikram Singh (35) killed his wife Shiv Kanwar (30).
When the police reached the spot, Singh was found playing video game on his mobile phone, while his wife lay in a pool of blood in a room.
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He said the couple often fought as Singh was unemployed.
“The accused was not doing anything, while his wife used to do stitching work at home,” the police said.
On the day of the incident, Singh picked up a pair of scissors and repeatedly stabbed his wife.
“When we rushed to the spot, we found the accused playing video game on his mobile phone without any signs of regret on his face,” the police officer said.
The couple has two children, he said, adding that they were not present in the house at the time of the incident.