The House has been disrupted over various issues like banking scam, Cauvery water issue and demand for special status to Andhra Pradesh, ever since it met on March 5 to carry forward the Budget Session. As the House met this morning, the listed papers were laid on the table and brief statements were made by TDP member C Ramesh and AIADMK MP V Maitreyen, after which the House passed the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill with a voice vote.
However, the semblance of normality was short lived as slogan-shouting members from the TDP and the AIADMK soon trooped into the Well. They were joined by some Congress members. The Chairman tried to bring order in the House but failed. Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Vijay Goel also requested the protesting members to return to their seats saying the government was willing to discuss all issues.
Amid the din, Naidu said he was being asked why he was adjourning the House. “Ugly scenes are being seen by people. I don’t want these ugly scenes to be seen by people,” the Chairman said. As protesting members did not yield to the Chair’s request, Naidu adjourned the House for the day after just 17 minutes of proceedings.
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Naidu said young members of the House should try to emulate Vora. Earlier, Naidu started the proceedings by mentioning that March 22 is celebrated every year as World Water Day. He expressed the hope that the entire House will join him in supporting the conservation of freshwater resources through natural methods to ensure availability of sufficient potable water for future generations. The members responded by thumping of desks.