The case revolves around Renuka Swamy, a native of Chitradurga and a purported fan of Darshan. Allegedly, Swamy was abducted and tortured to death in a shed in Bangalore because he sent obscene messages to Pavithra Gowda, Darshan’s girlfriend. After the murder, his body was disposed of in a drain.
Sanjay Singh, Pavithra Gowda’s ex-husband, has spoken to the media for the first time regarding the case. He defended Pavithra, asserting her innocence.
“If I am hurt, I go and talk to my wife about it. Similarly, Pavithra was hurt, and she expressed this to her husband, Darshan. As a superstar, Darshan shouldn’t have made a hasty decision. He shouldn’t have taken a wrong step. If he had taken the right path, none of this would have happened,” said Sanjay Singh.
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Sanjay Singh, originally from Uttar Pradesh, moved to Bangalore in 2002, where he met and fell in love with Pavithra Gowda. The couple later married and had a daughter but eventually grew apart.
The police are continuing their investigation and have brought many details to light as they delve deeper into the case.