The film, titled The Pride of Bharat: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, is directed and produced by Bollywood filmmaker Sandeep Singh, known for his work on movies like Mary Kom and Jhund. The movie will depict the life and legacy of Shivaji Bhosale, the 17th-century Maratha ruler known for his valor and strategic brilliance.
Speaking about casting Rishab Shetty, Sandeep Singh said, “Rishab was my first and only choice for the role. He truly embodies the strength, energy, and bravery of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Bringing this story to life on the big screen has been a dream of mine for years, and it’s a proud moment to see it take shape.”
The official poster for the movie, which showcases Rishab as a powerful and regal Shivaji, has already created a buzz. The film is set for a grand multi-language release on January 21, 2027.
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