Soon after the sudden decision to ban old Rs. 500/1,000 currency notes by the government, the Reserve Bank had come out with the Rs. 2,000 currency note along with a new look Rs. 500 note as part of its massive remonetisation exercise.
The senior official said the RBI and the government from time to time decides on the quantum of currency to be printed on the basis of money in circulation.
When the Rs. 2,000 note was launched, it was decided that the printing would be “scaled down” going forward, since the new high currency value note was meant for meeting the remonetisation need.
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According to the RBI data, there were 3,285 million pieces of Rs. 2,000 notes in circulation at end-March 2017. A year after (on March 31, 2018), there was only a marginal increase in the number at 3,363 million pieces.
Of the total currency in circulation amounting to Rs. 18,037 billion at end-March 2018, Rs. 2,000 notes accounted for 37.3 per cent, down from 50.2 per cent at end-March 2017.
The old 500/1,000 bank notes that were scrapped in November 2016 accounted for around 86 per cent of the total currency in circulation at that time.