Taking to Twitter, Siddaramaiah said,” The rejection of Republic Day tableau for including the statute of Social Reformer Shree Narayana Guru, has exposed BJP‘s disdain towards the great reformer who advocated social justice. Is he not Hindu? Let the BJP clarify its position. He dedicated his entire life to reform Hinduism by fighting against social evils like untouchability. By humiliating his contribution, does the BJP have any face left to talk about Hinduism?”
He further said, “It is surprising that PM Narendra Modi has still not apologized to the nation for this great mistake of rejecting Narayana Guru’s tableau. Does it mean he is still unaware of this blunder or was he the reason for the rejection?”
“It was decided, to officially observe Narayana Guru’s jayanti by the govt, when I was CM. I am proud & content that our decision helped the spread of teachings of Narayana Guru throughout the State. BJP should apologise to the entire nation for their disgraceful act. The govt should allow Narayana Guru’s tableau during this Republic Day parade,” he added.
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