“I propose to increase additional excise duty on Beer from 150 per cent to 175 per cent, additional excise duty on draught beer from 115 per cent to 150 per cent, excise duty on beer manufactured in Micro Brewery from existing Rs 5 per Bulk litre (BL) to Rs 10 per BL, and additional excise duty from existing Rs 12.50 per BL to Rs 25 per BL,” Kumaraswamy said.
“I also propose to increase excise duty on Low Alcoholic Beverages (LAB) from existing Rs 5 per BL to Rs 10 per BL and additional excise duty from 122 per cent to 150 percent,” he added.
Kumaraswamy, who holds the finance portfolio, presented his government’s second budget, amid high octanepolitical drama that saw the opposition BJP boycotting it.
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