Sooraj has collaborated with Salman, right from his debut “Maine Pyaar Kiya” to “Hum Aapke Hain Koun!”, “Hum Saath Saath Hain” and recently “Prem Ratan Dhan Payo.”
The director said currently he is consumed with work on his production, “Hum Chaar” and work on the Salman film will begin much later.
“Right now the focus is on ‘Hum Chaar’. Then my younger son Avnish will debut as a writer-director with a film this year. It’s a very big responsibility. After that I start writing my film with Salman,” Barjatya told PTI.
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There were also reports that the filmmaker was keen to have Salman feature in his son’s debut but Sooraj said that is not happening.
“Initially there were just talks but it was never discussed. My son is making a love story, a young film, so Salman doesn’t fit in,” he added.