The Arvind Kejriwal-led party leaders and workers staged a protest near the AAP headquarters and chanted slogans against the BJP holding placards which read, ”What has CBI found in its investigation?” Addressing the protestors, AAP’s Rajinder Nagar MLA Durgesh Pathak slammed the BJP and alleged that the Narendra Modi government has put CBI after Sisodia to implicate the deputy chief minister in a ”fake” case and ”defame” the Kejriwal-led party.
”The BJP is unnerved since the Aam Aadmi Party decided to contest Gujarat Assembly polls. They know that their 27-year-long regime in Gujarat is crumbling that’s why they are making all out efforts to defame the AAP,” Pathak charged.
People of Gujarat are fed up with the BJP and want change this time as the saffron party has done nothing but only ”looted” the state during its 27-year-long regime, he alleged. He said it’s been more than a week since the CBI raided Sisodia’s residence in Delhi and his paternal home in his village where the agency sleuths even dug the floor and checked the walls of the house.
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”Since you (BJP) are going to suffer a miserable defeat in Gujarat elections, you want to intimidate AAP ministers, MLAs and leaders through CBI-ED raids,” Jha said.
”But you must remember that we have come out of a movement and we are not going to be intimidated by such tricks. This time you have to face an honest party and we will put you down on the mat,” the Burari MLA said. The AAP had plans to protest outside the BJP headquarters but they could not do so as the Delhi police stopped them and put up barricades near their party office.