The Yakshagana performance of Seetheya Vyathe (originally known as Amamapi Manushi), written and directed by Dr Prithviraj Kavathar unravelled a different facet to the story of Seetha. It showcased how traditional theatre can reinterpret mythological stories in contemporary times. The Yakshagana text was based on various texts, such as Ramayana’s Uttarakanada, Bhavabhoothi’s Utharama Rama Charitha, S L Bhairappa’s Utharakanda, and Kumaran Ashan’s Chinthavistayaya Seetha. A creative amalgamation of these different texts to present the unheard narration of Sita within the framework of a conventional theatre mesmerised the audience at Rangayana, Mysore.
The following artists were part of this performance:
Vishwas Karbet as Bhagavathar, Skanda Konnar as Chende Player, Samarh Udupa as Maddala Player, Shrivathsa Harish as Violinist, Kedila Jayaram Bhat, Shasikiran Kavu, Laxman Marakada, Santhosh Panjikallu, Shreesha narayana Hegade, Pavan Dev, Mahadev, Yashas as Actors and Pramod Tantri in Costumes, and Nandakishor in Lighting. Sunil Bhaskar Pallamajalu coordinated the show.