Chikamadinal, Gram Panchayat chief Tippanna Gaddi is offering a cash incentive of Rs 2,000 to patients to get admitted to the CCC at the village. The panchayat covers Gouripura, Basarihal, Muslapur and Chikkamadinal villages. It comes under Kanakagiri taluk.
The decision to offer a cash incentive of Rs 2,000 was taken after infected people continued to stay under home isolation, despite officials pleading with them to get admitted to Covid Care Centres, in order to avoid other members of their families getting infected
Speaking in this regard Tippanna, who is bearing the cost from his pocket said that officials had to plead with patients under home isolation to get admitted to CCCs that is why the cash incentive is being offered.
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The cash incentive offer is worth emulating by other people’s representatives in the district, said the residents of Chikkamadinal.