As part of the festivities, the traditional Teppotsava (float festival) was conducted in the Madhwa Sarovara. Following this, the Brahmaratha, Garuda Ratha, and Chinna Ratha were taken out on Rathabeedi (Car Street), featuring the utsava idols of Sri Krishna Mukhyaprana, Anantheshwara, and Chandramouleshwara. The grand procession was performed with devotion and splendour.
The celebrations were graced by the presence of Sri Vishwapriya Thirtha Sripada of Sri Adamaru Matha and junior seer Sri Sushreendra Tirtha Sripada of Sri Puthige Matha.
John Mullahy, a Member of Parliament from the state of Victoria, Australia, attended as a special guest, adding to the significance of the event.
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