Haryana police chief on Monday confirmed that five of the accused have been arrested while the sixth accused was killed by police in Jind district.
Constable Ravinder Singh, 28, and Special Police Officer Kaptan Singh, 43 were found lying in a pool of blood last Tuesday.
The police were able to crack the murder case on basis of the vehicle registration number that was found scribbled in Constable Ravinder Singh’s hand.
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The vehicle registration number written on the constable’s hand came to notice during the post-mortem procedure.
“It was basic policing skill that our brave Constable Ravinder Singh displayed before losing his life. He had scribbled the vehicle number on his hand which was noticed during the post-mortem,” said Manoj Yadava, Haryana police chief. He added that without that clue the police would have had a tough task in identifying the murderers.
Ravinder Singh would be recommended for a posthumous police medal, Yadava said.
In the wake of the murder of eight Uttar Pradesh police officers by the gangster Vikas Dubey, who remains at large after Friday’s bloodbath, Haryana Police has reminded cops in the state to adhere to existing SOPs (standard operating procedures) while launching an operation or engaging a suspect.