Pfizer and Moderna have announced efficacy rates of 94-95%. AstraZeneca has reported 79% efficacy and India’s Covaxin has announced 81% efficacy
So what does vaccine efficacy mean?
Vaccine efficacy is the percentage reduction in disease in a group of people who received a vaccination in a clinical trial.
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If a vaccine has, for example, 85% efficacy, an 85% reduction in new cases of the disease in the vaccine group compared with the placebo group.
Efficacy vs Effectiveness
When a vaccine is given outside a clinical trial, it is referred to as vaccine ‘effectiveness’. Compared with efficacy, effectiveness takes into account all the complexities of the real world, outside of a controlled clinical trial setting
It is said that currently, several vaccines are highly effective in real-world settings. However, one still needs to assess the full consequences for each vaccine’s effectiveness against newly identified variants