The police have so far arrested 17 people, including Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa and his friend Pavithra Gowda, in connection with the recent murder. Renukaswamy, a fan of Darshan, had allegedly sent some obscene messages to Gowda on social media, which infuriated the 47-year-old actor, according to police sources.
Addressing a press conference here, Dayananda said the police have taken swift and timely action in the case. If there was even a bit of carelessness or delay in the probe, the investigation would have been hampered. But the police personnel did their job with dedication and gathered all information and evidence. Because of the quick investigation, the entire matter came to light, he said.
“It is a heinous crime committed in a horrific manner and we have to ensure that the accused in the case are punished and we have to deliver justice to the victim’s family and our officers and staff are working in this direction,” Dayananda said.
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Considering the “importance, significance and sensitivity” of the case, he said the investigation has been handed over to an Assistant Commissioner of Police level officer. ACP Vijayanagar is the chief investigating officer and a special investigating team has been formed under him consisting of various inspectors, sub-inspectors and other staff, according to him. The earlier investigating officer Inspector of Kamakshipalya who had been transferred, was under election duty, Dayananda said.
He has now been transferred to Chennammanakere Achukattu police station but has also been made part of the investigation team though he is not in the west division. All the inspectors and the required staff are carrying out the investigation relentlessly day-in-and-day-out and the Deputy Commissioner of Police is supervising the entire probe, he said.
“With regard to the investigation of the murder case registered in Kamakshipalya police station, wherein an individual has been killed in a very brutal and barbaric way, so far, the police have arrested 17 persons and all the 17 persons have been taken into police custody and their interrogation is being done,” Dayananda said.