
10th UN International Day of Yoga celebrations in Doha

09:06 PM Jun 24, 2024 | Press Release |

The 10th International Day of Yoga (IDY) was celebrated in Doha with the theme ‘Yoga for Self and Society’ on Friday, June 21, 2024, at the Asian Town Cricket Stadium in Qatar. The IDY 2024 was organized by the Embassy in partnership with the Indian Sports Centre and other Indian community organizations.


The celebrations began with the playing of the video message from Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi to mark the 10th International Day of Yoga.

In his message, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi said, “Yoga is a timeless practice that celebrates oneness and harmony. Yoga has transcended cultural and geographical boundaries, uniting millions across the globe in the pursuit of holistic well-being. Yoga offers a sanctuary of calm, enabling us to navigate life’s challenges with calm and fortitude.”

Ambassador Shri Vipul welcomed the participants and emphasized that this year’s theme “Yoga for Self and Society” stresses the holistic benefits that we all can draw from this ancient Indian tradition. The regular practice of Yoga exercises and meditation has a transformational effect on people’s mind and body, brings them closer to their nature and contributes in fostering harmony in society.

The main highlight of the event was the performance of the Common Yoga Protocol by participants. Over 2000 yoga practitioners and enthusiasts including children, youth and women from all cross-sections of the society attended the event. Enthusiastic participation was seen in yoga competitions held for both children and adults. The celebrations concluded with felicitations and the distribution of prizes and souvenirs to winners of contests and yoga instructors.

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