Ganesh Chaturthi Special Trains: From September 5 to 7, a special train will operate between Bengaluru and Kalaburagi. The train will depart from SMVT Bengaluru at 9:15 PM and arrive at Kalaburagi at 7:40 AM the next morning. Similarly, from September 6 to 8, the return service from Kalaburagi will leave at 9:35 AM and reach SMVT Bengaluru by 8:00 PM the same day.
Deepavali Special Trains: Special trains will operate between Mysuru and Vijayapura on October 30 and November 2, while the return service from Vijayapura to Mysuru will run on October 31 and November 3. Additionally, special trains will run between Yeshwantpur and Belagavi on October 30 and November 1, with return services on October 31 and November 3.
Dasara Special Trains: For Dasara, special trains will run from SMVT Bengaluru to Vijayapura on October 9 and 12, with return services on October 10 and 13. Trains will also operate between Yeshwantpur and Belagavi on October 9 and 12, with the return journey on October 10 and 13. Further, special trains will run on the Mysuru-KSR Bengaluru route from October 9 to 13, and KSR Bengaluru-Mysuru from October 10 to 14. Additional services will also be available between Chamarajanagar and Mysuru during the same period.
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