The incident occurred early on Saturday morning at around 3 AM, when Milind Chandwani, an IIM graduate, was traveling from Kempegowda International Airport to his home. The cab driver seemed to be sleepy and as he struggling to stay awake Milind offered to drive the cab himself and too his surprise the driver agreed.
He asked the driver for the car keys, and after receiving them, he navigated using Google Maps and safely reached his destination.
Sharing this experience on Instagram, Milind wrote, “Last night at 3 AM while returning from Bengaluru airport, I found myself in an unexpected role: my cab driver’s driver. He was so sleepy, he even stopped for tea and a cigarette but still couldn’t keep his eyes open. So, I offered to drive, and to my surprise, he handed me the keys faster than I could say “Bengaluru traffic.”
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Despite the unusual circumstances, Milind showed empathy for the driver and tipped him Rs 100 as a gesture of kindness.