A complaint has been filed by an interior designer named Sudeep, a resident of Gunjur against Renuka, police inspector, Naveen, Ganesh, sub-inspectors, constable Hemanth from the Whitefield CEN Crime police station.
On July 16, Sub-inspector Ganesh called Sudeep and his wife to the police station on charges of cheating their client of Rs 5 lakh without finishing the assigned work.
It is said that they demanded Rs 10 lakh from them to settle the issue. Sudeep insisted on seeing a copy of the FIR and Ganesh allegedly slapped him and threatened to put him in jail. He also took the couple’s phones and took them to the police station.
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Later, Renuka called them to her chamber and threatened to arrest them. Sudeep borrowed Rs 10 lakh and transferred it to his wife’s account. Police sent a person named Manju with them to the bank. The couple gave Rs 5 lakh to the client and withdrew Rs 5 lakh to pay the cops.
Naveen asked the couple to put the money on a sofa and Constable Hemanth took it up and made them sign a statement copy.
They were then asked to bring the remaining amount soon. The next day, around 4 pm, Sudeep met Ganesh and Hemanth at the police station and expressed his inability to pay the remaining money.
On July 19, he met Naveen at the police station and said he could not arrange the money, Naveen said that Rs 5 lakh had gone to the inspector and other cops didn’t get any money.
He further urged him to pay Rs 2 lakh and the rest in two days. Sudeep recorded the conversation on his phone and on July 20, lodged a complaint with the ACB.