Home Minister Amit Shah said the BJP is constantly striving to make the country self-reliant under Modi”s leadership and with its ideology of nationalism and ”antyodaya” (uplift of the most deprived). He joined other party leaders in paying tributes to its veterans and others who played a role in nurturing the organization over the decades.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said the BJP is working to build the nation by taking every section of the society in confidence.
“We are proud that India has established itself as a strong and self-respecting country under Modi”s leadership,” he said.
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“The BJP is an organization for whose members the party is the family. We have to live the mantra of ”sabka saath, sabka vikas, sabka vishwas” to realise the dream of ”new India”, a resolve of the prime minister, while putting our organisation to service.
The BJP was founded in 1980 by former Bharatiya Jana Sangh leaders after they broke away from the Janata Party as ideological differences and intra-party feud racked the latter following its defeat to the Congress in Lok Sabha polls.
The Jana Sangh and several other opposition parties had merged to form the Janata Party to put up a united challenge to the Congress in 1977 after the Emergency was lifted, and the party scored a victory in the elections.