Last year, on June 21, a similar incident had occurred in Ulaibettu, Permanki, on the outskirts of Mangaluru. Robbers broke into the home of businessman Padmanabha Kotian at around 7:45 PM, making away with lakhs of rupees in cash and gold jewellery. The gang had arrived in an Innova car, carrying sacks presumably to transport the loot. Police arrested four locals and six individuals from Kerala in connection with the case. Investigations revealed that a local, who was Kotian’s lorry driver, had orchestrated the robbery.
Infamous “Chaddi Gang” Behind Robberies
In July last year, Mangaluru witnessed a series of burglaries by the infamous “Chaddi Gang” from Madhya Pradesh. The gang targeted multiple homes, including one in Kotekani, where they broke window panes, assaulted the residents, and fled with gold jewelry and mobile phones. Police later arrested four members of the gang.
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A few months ago, a similar robbery attempt occurred at a businessman’s house in Manur near Kundapura. Posing as police officers, a group arrived in two cars, creating panic. They attempted to enter the compound by scaling the wall but failed. The security agency monitoring the property alerted the homeowner, who noticed damage to the gate and locks. Police later apprehended the suspects.
Offline Robbery Inspired by Online Scams
Recent years have seen cybercriminals impersonate officers from agencies like the CBI and Income Tax Department to extort lakhs of rupees. The Bolanthoor incident appears to be an offline adaptation of such scams.
Police Advisory
Authorities have advised the public to report any suspicious individuals posing as officials immediately to the police.
Swift Action Promised
“Investigations into the Bolanthuru case are underway. We will apprehend the accused as soon as possible. The robbers made away with cash belonging to businessman Sulaiman, who owns a beedi factory and 80 acres of areca plantations. The cash was reportedly intended for payments to workers. Efforts are on to determine how the house was selected and whether insiders provided information,” said Yatish N, SP, Dakshina Kannada.