A viral video has surfaced, where Sonu Lamani explains how Aishwarya Gowda defrauded him. In the video, Lamani claims that Aishwarya, who introduced herself as a businesswoman and the sister of former MP D.K. Suresh, convinced him to invest in real estate transactions involving 15-16 properties. She also showed him photos and videos with prominent politicians, claiming to have connections with key state ministers.
Lamani further alleges that Aishwarya pressured him not to file a complaint after news of her involvement in the jewellery scam emerged. She had also invited him to her hometown during the Ganesh festival, where she promised to get properties registered in his name while taking money from him. Despite promising to return the money within 20 days, she failed to do so.
Sonu Lamani claimed that he has all the relevant documents and intends to file a police complaint soon. There are also speculations that Aishwarya may have similarly defrauded others.
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