Bengaluru Urban Zilla Panchayat (ZP) CEO Latha Kumari has directed immediate action to halt the show. The order says that the commercial, non-residential license for the location in survey no. 128/1, Malligondanahalli, under Ramohalli Gram Panchayat, has been cancelled.
The Bigg Boss set, located in Malligondanahalli under Bengaluru South taluk, was allegedly constructed and operated without approvals from the Labour Department, local Gram Panchayat, or the Pollution Control Board.
A complaint was lodged by Raghavendrachar, following which the District Collector revoked the land conversion order.
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“The land conversion order and license for the property hosting Bigg Boss have been cancelled. Following this, Bengaluru Urban ZP CEO has instructed the halting of all activities related to the show,” said Raghavendrachar (the complainant).