
India will lead the world in 2047: Vice president Dhankhar

08:02 AM Aug 28, 2023 | PTI |

Jaipur: India is going to be on top of the world by 2047 due to the young generation’s ”commitment”, ”directional approach” and ”service to society”, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar said on Sunday.


Addressing students at an event at Sainik School in Jhunjhunu district, he said the country is rising like never before and will lead the world when it celebrates the centenary of Independence in 2047.

”You are the future of this country, you will shape this country. But boys and girls, you are lucky. You are fortunate that you are here at a time when India is rising as never before. Rise of India is unstoppable, we are going to be world’s number one when we celebrate the centenary of our Independence in 2047,” Dhankhar said.

”And how will it be possible? You people will make it possible. Your commitment, your directional approach, your service to society will make Bharat ever proud,” he said.

Citing the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the south pole of the Moon, the vice president said, ”History was created.”


”Chandrayaan-3 had a soft landing. Successful landing. History was created! India became one of the four countries to have this distinction, but the only country in the world to have the honour of landing on the south pole of the Moon,” he said.

Dhankhar also asked the students to never be afraid of failures. Giving the example of the failure of Chandrayaan-2 when Dhankhar was the West Bengal governor, he said the landing was not perfect but Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for 96 per cent success in the mission.

”Never be afraid of failures. Fear of failure will reduce your strength. Never have tension… You will be able to perform much better. At Sainik School, I always topped the class. But I was always in fear what would happen if I couldn’t come first? I left the school as the topper.

”Later, I realised it does not matter much whether you are on top or in the second position. So develop your personality in an integrated manner,” he said.

The vice president invited all the students in seven batches to visit Delhi as his guests to have a glimpse of the functioning of Parliament. Dhankhar, accompanied by his wife Sudesh Dhankhar, earlier offered prayers at Sri Surya Mandir in Lohargal and Rani Shakti Mandir in Jhunjhunu.

Speaking later at the National Institute of Ayurveda here, he urged people to adopt ancient medical methods like ayurveda, adding that though allopathic medicines give quick benefits, they have their set of side effects.

Hailing the contribution of Ayurveda during the coronavirus pandemic, he said Ayurveda kits were very useful in increasing the immunity of people.

He added that Yoga is India’s unique gift to the world.

Minister of State for AYUSH Mahendra Munjpara was also present on the occasion along with Vadiya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH, and Professor Sanjeev Sharma, the vice-chancellor of National Institute of Ayurveda.


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