According to police, Satish (30), a small restaurant owner from Adarsh Nagar, masterminded the murder of his father, Kalingaraya (60), to claim a Rs 30 lakh insurance payout. Struggling with debts from building a house, Satish was advised by his acquaintance, Arun Kumar, to insure his father and execute the murder for financial gain.
On July 8, 2024, Satish lured his father to Bennur B Cross under the pretext of collecting a loan. He then took him to a secluded spot, claiming he needed to relieve himself, and signaled a tractor to run over his father, killing him on the spot.
To cover up the crime, Satish injured himself with stones and staged the incident as an accident. He filed a police complaint, which was initially registered as an accident at Madaboola police station.
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It was revealed that Satish had received Rs 5 lakh from the insurance payout and he transferred Rs 3.5 lakh to Arun Kumar via digital payment, which led the police to the conspiracy.
The police arrested Satish, Arun Kumar, and the tractor drivers, Rakesh and Yuvaraj, for their involvement in the crime.
Kalaburagi district police chief Addur Srinivasulu commended the team for their thorough investigation and issued commendation certificates to the officers involved.