The grand launch of the administrative office and the new store was graced by actor-director Dr. Ramesh Aravind, MP Tejasvi Surya, and Karnataka Assembly Leader of Opposition R. Ashoka. Dr. R. Ravichander, Chairman and Managing Director of the Nandan Group, inaugurated the event with the lighting of the lamp.
Other notable attendees included Jayanagar MLA C.K. Ramamurthy, former South Bengaluru BJP president N.R. Ramesh, and K.T. Venkatesh Rao, Managing Director of Adyar Ananda Bhavan. They praised Sangeetha’s legacy and its unique contribution to the mobile retail sector.
During the event, Sangeetha Chairman and Managing Director Subhash Chandra announced the company’s ambitious plans to expand its network to 1,000 stores by the 2025-26 fiscal year. He also highlighted that the newly launched ‘Sangeetha Gadgets’ store, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, promises customers an exceptional shopping experience.
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As India witnesses rapid changes in the retail landscape, the company is aligning itself with the demands of fast-paced commercial growth. “The year 2025 will see revolutionary changes across sectors, including gadgets. Quick commerce will emerge as a key driver, reshaping how consumers interact with brands,” said Subhash Chandra.
He added that Sangeetha aims to bridge the gap between convenience and technology by ensuring swift delivery of gadgets to customers, addressing the needs of today’s fast-paced lifestyle.
From Gramophone to GadgetsEstablished in 1974 as a gramophone store, Sangeetha has grown into a leading mobile retail chain with over 800 stores across India. Customer-centric initiatives and continuous innovation have solidified its reputation as a trusted brand. On the occasion of its golden jubilee, Subhash Chandra reaffirmed the company’s commitment to meeting customer needs and maintaining its position as India’s top mobile retail store. “We promise to continue delivering excellence to our customers,” he said. Media Release