The mechanical elephant, named Mahadevan, will be used to conduct ceremonies at the temple in a safe and cruelty-free manner, PETA said in a release on Sunday. This is the second such elephant being introduced in Kerala.
An inaugural ceremony was held on Sunday at the temple followed by a chenda melam performance by Master Vedharth Raman and his band and a panchavadyam by Venu Marrar and his band, the release said.
”The advances in technology means we can maintain our rich cultural practices and heritage while ensuring that animals are not harmed,” Priyamani was quoted as saying in the release. Thrikkayil Mahadeva Temple owner, Thekkiniyedath Vallabhan Namboothiri, said they were very pleased to use the mechanical elephant Mahadevan ”in reverence to all of the animals created by God who want to live free and safe with their families just as humans do”.
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