Yash, who recently became the father of a girl child also has a new movie on the verge of release. On his pilgrimage to Karavali, the Sandalwood actor first visited Kollur Sri Mookambika temple and did a special pooja to Sri Devi. At the same time he gave a donation of Rs 1.06 lakh to the temple.
Later, Yash visited Dharmasthala and Surya temples. Yash arrived at Dharmasthala’s helipad, met Dharmadhikari Dr Veerendra Heggade and sought his blessings. Later, after visiting Sri Manjunatha Swami Deity, he proceeded to the Surya temple. He also later visited the Sri Sadashiva Rudra temple and offered a mud reel to the deity there.
Later, Yash visited Subhramanya Kshetra and said that he was visiting the temple for the success of his newly releasing movie ‘K.G.F.’ and for the wellbeing of his family. After offering the pooja, he made a personal donation of Rs 1 lakh to the temple and another donation of Rs 1.08 lakh in the name of the movie team.
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Yash arrived to Areshiroor in Kollur by a helicopter and from thee travelled by the road to Kollur Kshetra. His pilgrimage to Dharmasthala and Subrahmanya was also done via the helicopter. At all the location, huge number of fan amassed to have a glimpse of their favourite actor.