Yukta, a PU student of the science division of Rotary school at Mittadka in Sullia received less marks due to the mistake committed by the examiner. Inspection of the answer paper shed light on the truth.
Kerpala resident Somanath’s daughter Yukta had secured good marks in all the subjects excluding Kannada. Since she should have scored more marks in Kannada, a cyclostat copy of the answer paper was procured after paying the due fee. On this occasion, it was ascertained that had written correct answers of up to 90 marks. Because of this had lost 50 marks.
But it is not possible to add 50 marks additionally to the already given marks. At the most, only 6 additional marks can be added, informed her parents who received this information from the Department. Because of this, her total percentage also takes a hit. It is surprising to note that the department is not giving 44 marks to the student who aims to become a doctor and has attempted CET and NEET exams.