In a video clip that has gone viral on social media, the stranded youths accused the firm of collection Rs 65,000 from each one of them for a job at a firm in Kuwait. But on reaching Kuwait, they realized that they had been duped and ended up stranded there.
Speaking on the issue, Police Commissioner Sandeep Patil said that every firm carrying out recruitment for foreign firms must have license under the Emigration Act. Initial investigation shows that Manikya Associates do not possess the required license and hence a case has been registered.
In his statement to the media, Prasad Shetty, who runs Manikya Associates said that the youths were recruited as per the requirement of Mumbai-based Hawk Consultancy for a company called Aspect Petroleum, and the necessary agreements were duly signed by the youths before embarking to Kuwait.
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“Hence, there is no connection between Kuwait’s Aspect Petroleum Service company and Manikya Associates Manpower Consultancy. Manikya Associates only acted as a channel of communication between Hawk Consultancy and the 58 aspirants,” stated the release.
“It has come to our notice that for no reason allegations have been made against us in media and social media with videos. There is no connection between the incident and Manikya Associates.
“However, out of humanitarian concern, we are ready to extend all required support to the 35 youths stranded in Kuwait to help them come back to their hometown,” added the release.