The three-year third-party insurance will cost Rs 5,286 crore for cars with engine capacity of less than 1,000 cc, Rs 9,534 cr (1,000 – 1,500 cc) and Rs 24,305 for cars with engine capacity of 1,500 cc and more.
In case of two-wheelers, the five year-third party insurance will cost Rs 1,045 for vehicles with engine capacity below 75 cc, Rs 3,285 (75-150 cc), Rs 5,453 (150-350 cc) and Rs 13,034 (exceeding 350 cc).
As per the Motor Vehicles Act, third-party insurance is mandatory.
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As per the court order, it is mandatory for all general insurance companies to issue a three-year third party insurance cover for new cars and five-year third party (TP) insurance cover for new two-wheelers as a separate product or as part of a comprehensive insurance product.
Irdai was directed to implement the decision on policies sold from September 1, 2018.
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai) has issued a circular in this regard.
The circular said general insurers should “offer only three-year Motor Third-Party Insurance covers for new cars and five-year motor third party insurance policies for new two-wheelers”.
Currently, in the motor segment, there are two types of policies — stand-alone Motor Third-Party policy and Motor Package Insurance policy for 2-wheelers and private cars.
Irdai further said that after the introduction of long-term Motor TP arty Insurance, an insured should be given two options — Long-term package cover offering both Motor TP insurance and own Damage insurance for three years or five years as the case may be or a bundled cover with a 3/5 year term for the TP component and a one-year term for the own damage.